Firstly, let me explain what a part time FD is, as it is not a role that everyone is familiar with.
In a nutshell, a part time FD is a role that all businesses could benefit from if they aren’t large enough to warrant the expense of a full time one. Improved management reporting, forecasting, strategic direction, banking relationships and board presence are all par for the course.
Here at WCL, we have been serving companies up and down the country for over 4 years now. What makes us different is that we can delegate tasks to other members of staff in our firm or indeed the client, thus keeping your costs down.
In my experience, this is great news because:
Finally, we are currently mentoring finance staff in many clients. This is something that we are particularly passionate about and proud in doing, many of whom are working towards professional accountancy qualifications.
So, if you are looking for flexible, high level FD advice, with no fear of a nasty bill at the end of the month then please get in touch.