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James Comer


t. 01225 58 57 56Connect on LinkedIn

Specialist areas

  • Business analysis & support
  • Management reporting
  • Budgets & forecasts
  • Cash flow management
  • Statutory reporting

James is an FCCA qualified accountant with decades of experience working in practice. Before joining Whittock Consulting, he worked for a number of firms in the Bristol area overseeing and providing compliance services to clients. James is a big advocate of using cloud software and apps to make clients lives easier. He enjoys streamlining clients accounting systems to improve efficiencies and the quality of the useable data. Outside of work, James enjoys spending time with his family, football and looking after the family dog.

"WCL has a unique offer. They have quickly become our trusted business partners for all things finance and legal. What a great asset to have. I’d highly recommend them."
Manufacturing company owner

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Companies House Updates

We wrote previously about planned reforms happening to Companies House, in particular covering new powers and practices. You can read the blog here: https://whittockconsulting.co.uk/changes-to-companies-house/ Following on from these proposals, we can now confirm the following have been implemented: Additional powers Companies House now has additional powers, which include: rejecting a new filing if it appears […]

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10 Reasons to use a part-time Finance Director

There’s been a lot of talk recently about the benefits of utilising part-time Finance Directors. But what do they do? And how can they help you? In this blog we cover the main benefits of using a part-time Finance Director, how to find one and what to look for. Let’s get started…

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Downing Street

A Labour Promise

As far as General Elections go, the indications as to which party would succeed was fairly obvious from the off. The polls predicted a Labour win early on, and very little changed throughout. And so, after 14 years in charge, the Conservatives are out and now it’s over to Keir Starmer and Labour to get […]

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